Friday, July 22, 2022

Book: Noise Pollution: Problems and Solutions

 Book: Noise Pollution: Problems and Solutions

Noise Pollution: Problems and Solutions

• Are you bothered by the noise you hear?
• Does the noise of vehicles irritate you?
• Do night shifts and noise during the day cause you sleeplessness?
• Have there been irritations, anger, distress frustration and disturbances lately?
• Does it have a negative effect on learning ability and memory?
• Are you facing noise issue in factories?

If this is the case then you may be suffering from noise pollution. What is the source of this deadly pollution? What exactly are the health problems it causes? What are the solution? 

Pollution of water, air in the atmosphere is often talked about, but we take noise pollution very lightly. It doesn't take much effort to make sounds. The tendency to be careless about the sound is rising in the society. Since the sound medium can't be seen like air, its density, intensity is not immediately felt. We can't even close our ears. Even if we don't want some sounds to be hear, we are forced to listen it. Many people do not even know that there is noise pollution thing. Noise pollution causes many health problems in human beings as well as other organisms. This is very unfortunate.

All this is discussed in this book. A separate chapter has been written on noise pollution caused by vehicles, it should be helpful to the readers. 

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